Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Ok, just a little about me....
Enjoying the local spectator sport

If cricket is like a banquet, sumo wrestling is like a Japanese formal meal - lots of little bits with lots of tradition, ceremony and talking.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Bush Walk... Err, Mountain Climb?? (Sunday)

Hope you all had a good weekend. I think I've been fighting a cold, so last week and the first half of the weekend I spent a lot of time sleeping. To make up for taking it easy yesterday we went bushwalking. Actually they called it "mountain climbing" and although not what I would normally call mountain climbing, I guess it wasn't far from the truth.
Daniel and I went with the English teachers from one of my schools. We started out early (despite not being able to find our house key and missing the train, we didn't miss the meeting time), caught a train to meet the others. We then had to drive for about 2 hours to
get there.
I guess the most interesting thing about the hike, apart from discovering that I was fitter than I thought, was seeing the differences between Japan and Australia. Sometimes the little things like black lady birds
with red dots, or bigger things like autumn leaves in a forrest. (Correct me if I'm wrong, but most of the bush in Australia seems to be native fauna and not change colour, right?). I have to say that I was also amazed about the number of crabs in the bush/forrest - while there was a lot of water and
water falls, I didn't expect to see crabs...
In contrast to most of the bush walking I've done in Australia (walking to go somewhere with both up and down hills) we walked (climbed?) up for 2 hours, got to the top and had a cup of coffee (in zero
degree temperature, wearing a short sleeve shirt. I guess I didn't really take the suggestions of a jumper seriously, it was a little cold) then walked down the exact same route. If not for all the waterfalls and beautiful autumn leaves I would've been disappointed to take the same path.
My knees are a little sore today - I don't think they're used to walking the one direction for so long. Down was especially difficult. I only slipped a few times..
After our mountain climbing it was time for lunch. Daniel was very brave sampling all the food.
We then had a wander around the small town at the foot of the mountain. It's known as "small Kyoto" because of the old buildings and the atmosphere of the town. We went to the museum on the site of the old castle (which had been burnt down years before).
Dan: And once again our net access is down - trying to organise for our wireless modem to be picked up and repaired in the next few days .. Another Aussie here, Cheng, has been very very kind in helping us with our computer problems (lending us another lappy for a while, equipment for me to test with, etc) and making the phone calls/visits to the Internet Provider.. Thanks Cheng!!! So good to have a friend close by that can speak decent Japanese - it's really inspiring me to learn more!!! (Or import JB for times when Cheng can't help!) Anyway - we're not in email/skype range much over the next week or so .. well, even skype phone has been mucking up a lot - try catching us there if you like - but no guarantees! Hopefully all sorted... soon...
Dan: PS: Nomes will probably post photos soon - just a bit hard to today.. In the mean time - if you haven't checked the gallery (link on the left) in a while there may be some newish photos there to give you a laugh :)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Hmmm, hot chips...!
Daniel has been asking me for a while now if I've found hot chips. so, like a good little wifey I found -what I thought was- hot potato wedges (chips), they were even sprinkled with salt!
Unfortunately I almost inadvertently poisoned Daniel - what I thought was salt was actually sugar and they weren't made from potato.
Ok, I'll admit, I began to have some suspicions soon after I bought them, "Hmm, that was strange, was that sugar?!" but I kept them to myself (they were only suspicions after all) and let Daniel make his own discovery.
Needless to say that we wont be trying those again. We might just have to wait until we get back to Aussie land!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Festivals and Ferries
Still having problems with internet - sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
I went to school today (yes - it's Sunday!) and tomorrow - (a public holiday) because the students are having a cultural festival at school. This seems to entail a lot of singing, but more about that tomorrow. After the festival all the teachers are going out for a party. To compensate for working today and tomorrow I'll be having Tuesday and Friday off work, so if anyone wants to ring, that will be a good time.
Due to it being a Sunday, the buses weren't running very regularly, so I caught the first bus that came past my bus stop this afternoon, which took me to the ferry terminal, so I caught the ferry home. The ferry cost 100 yen ($1) but it only took 2 mins to cross! Still it was fun and took less time than waiting for my bus!
This bridge reminds me of San Francisco.. It apparently doesn't remind people from San Francisco of it though... Daniel's keen to go exploring and see if he can find Starfleet Academy however.. Wish him luck.