We are approaching the end of the school year. At first I thought it was strange that they start the year in April and have the summer vacation in August, but after talking to one of the teachers I agreed that it wasn't so surprising - Japanese people are very conscious of the seasons and believe that it's best to start things in the spring.
So I'm saying goodbye to the third year students (year 9) as they finish junior high school and go to another school. This has been a great class and I'll miss them!
I went to their graduation ceremony on Friday. It was interesting. The staff were really dressed up - they looked like they were at a wedding of a family member. The female third year teachers wore traditional Japanese kimonos. The ceremony was very long (2 hrs) and by the end my but was aching and going numb, but every time I moved my chair squeaked! I guess I should be thankful that I was able to sit on a chair. For most of our ceremonies, the kids sit on the floor and the teachers stand or sit on the floor. I was amazed how much crying went on. The third year students sang a song as a class, but halfway through there were so many crying (boys and girls) I was amazed the song was able to continue. Then I looked at the staff and they were all crying!
There was a bit more ceremony and photos, but I still managed to get an early mark from work so I could go home before the staff drinking party. Yep - students graduate and the teachers go out and party. The party cost about (8000 yen or $120 AD with the current exchange) and was held in a private room in a big hotel. Once we started on the beer and food, the speeches started up again! While it was difficult for me to remain interested in the speeches, I had a good time talking with other staff (something I don't usually get the opportunity to do) and avoided the after party karaoke!
You probably haven't heard much from me over the last few weeks because I've been trying to organise a distance education course with varying degrees of success. I'm doing a Graduate Certificate of Education (Special Education). Although I began organising this early, they lost (!?) my application so I've been finalising everything at the last minute. It's week 3 now and I'm still waiting for/trying to access study materials. I also just had a look at the assignment and thinking it's not going to be possible to do while I'm here in Japan.... information which would've been useful earlier. Hopefully it will work out and I'll be able to catch up ok - it is only one subject for this semester.