Saturday, January 24, 2009

Snow watching..

I guess, seeing as it was a Saturday morning, you all slept in and had a nice, quiet and relaxing morning.  Yes, I remember those days... Us on the other hand, were first disturbed before 8am, and then again at 8:30 and on and off all day by trucks with loud speakers on top.  It was probably just the communist party again, but boy was it annoying!  

But we were awake all morning, day and night to watch the snow...!  Our neighbours were probably laughing at us with just our heads poking out from the curtain.  We really were fascinated!  The snow changes direction so much due to wind, and it can fall different directions depending on where you're looking.  

Once again, looking like a silly gaijin, I took my camera and went for a walk.  It was really interesting and fun.  I wouldn't have been quite so cold if I hadn't forgotten to take my gloves, but the tingling has almost gone away and none of my fingers dropped off.      

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I bet you & Dan are really missing Aussie weather - a nice shiny 31 here in Canberra today.. where's our snow?